12 Weeks of Coaching to Heal Your Hormones

Balance your hormones 


Balance your hormones, prevent mood swings, reduce headaches, get off your synthetic birth control, and set your body up for optimal pregnancy and recovery?

I learned how to heal my hormones and created a plan that was easy, natural, and doable because that’s what I needed as a busy mom of littles. And now I’m ready to share everything I’ve learned with you!

Are Your Ready to...

I get it. I've been there.
I've struggled too. 

Work With Me!

Imagine If You...

  • Knew exactly how to stop your mood swings.​

  • Didn't have to deal with your constant headaches anymore.

  • Had a regular period and knew exactly when your period was coming without painful cramps and heavy bleeding.​

  • Loved having sex again​.

  • Knew what was causing your weight gain.

  • Could find relief from your PCOS symptoms.

  • Could prevent pregnancy without synthetic birth control.

  • Could set your body up for the healthiest pregnancy possible.

  • Could overcome the hormone imbalances that cause Postpartum Depression.

Click Here to Find Out How Insurance Can Pay for It!

Does this sound like it's for you, but you're wondering how to pay for it? 

You could be eligible to use your FSA/HSA from your insurance carrier!

Click below to find out how!

Are you ready for your period to finally be regular?

Want to see how it's like to have a period without the painful PMS?

Are you ready to learn how to prevent pregnancy with 99% accuracy without birth control?

Want to follow a simple, easy, and evidence-based plan without spending countless hours trying to figure it out yourself?

Now Ladies...

It's possible.

I know because I've done it myself. 

- Client Review

"I love how Dominique teaches this from a holistic approach. I have struggled with infertility and luteal phase defect for over a decade and at this point I just want to feel better! I so appreciate Dominique sharing this all with the world!"

"This was the best investment I could have made in myself"

I'm so happy you asked!

Let me give you a sneak peak of what's inside so you know exactly what to expect.

What's Inside Hormone Healing Coaching?

sign up here to start

When you join us in Hormone Healing, over the course of 12 weeks, you will learn the methods on how to go from:

- tired
- moody
-not recognizing the woman in the mirror

- energized
- sexy
- feeling like YOU again!

You will learn about your cycle & hormone imbalances, and you will start to heal your root problems naturally through diet and lifestyle changes.

Here is the First Thing You Can Expect:

I will give you specific detox principles and things you can do to help your body detox any excess hormones or toxins out. No fad diets or "green juice cleanses". 

The best part is that I show you how to implement all of the information you learned in a SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLE (trust me...I get it. I have the kids, the busy work schedule, and the craziness of holidays and vacations too)! You will get the same Cheat Sheet that I use on my refrigerator to help guide you, plus so much more!


Put It All Together


I will give you the exact QUICK and EFFECTIVE destress techniques that I use in just a few minutes each day to help me feel re-juvinated (even with two little kids)!



Together will explore symptoms and patterns to pinpoint your specific problem, from migraines, irregular periods, PCOS, low sex drive, or postpartum depression. You will get razor-sharp clarity on your specific hormone imbalance and how to make it better. 

Pinpoint Your Hormone Problem


Guidance on proper nutrition, meal planning, and lifestyle modifications to promote stable blood sugar levels. 

Blood Sugar Balance


Making it easy as pie to get balanced hormones fast!

the process

Plus Don't Forget About the Bonuses!

Access to my exclusively created education training on "Exercise, Hormones and Your Weight Loss Goals" PLUS a personally created workout template to help you plan your exercise and hit your goals ALL while keeping your hormones happy!

Bonus Three:

Access to multiple blood sugar balancing recipe ideas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Bonus Two:

Access to my exclusively created Bakery Treats! P.S. Every treat is HEALTHY and HORMONE approved PLUS knocks in a healthy dose of protein!!

Bonus One:

5-star reviews

- Jessica

"We have worked so hard together, and I feel so proud and strong of how far I have come with YOUR help... You have helped build on strength I never knew I had

- Olive L.

"It felt so good to get out and take some time to myself! Dominique put me on such a good path of taking care of myself and trying things I never thought I would."

- Anonymous Client

Dominique's Video Course was so thorough and so easy to understand, and she was always available to provide me guidance and 1:1 coaching to help me heal my body. I can't believe more women are not told these things about their own body!

"I never knew so much about my hormones until I took this coaching!

Sign up here!

If you're ready, then sign up now!

I can't wait to see you inside!

Let's do this. 

The timeline varies depending on individual factors such as the severity of hormonal imbalances, adherence to the recommended plan, and overall health status. While some clients may experience improvements in symptoms within a few weeks, achieving optimal hormonal balance often requires consistent effort and patience over several months. Typically, I say ti takes a minimum of 2-3 months to start to see results. Rest assured, we'll work together every step of the way to support your journey to better hormone health.

How long does it take to see results?

Each lesson and phase is broken down into easy short video lessons that I personally created coupled with PDF handouts, and a handful of quick, actionable steps for you to implement.

How are the lessons broken down?

While hormone testing provides valuable insights into your hormonal balance, it's not always necessary for everyone. In some cases, symptoms and health history may provide enough information to guide hormone healing coaching. However, if you're experiencing persistent or severe symptoms, or if you're unsure about your hormone levels, hormone testing may be beneficial. 

Should i get my hormones tested?

While the amount of time required each day may vary based on your individual goals and preferences, most recommendations can be easily integrated into your daily routine as a busy mom or woman (after all, I'm a busy mom myself!). The goal is to make sustainable changes that fit your life, ensuring that hormone healing becomes an achievable and enjoyable part of your daily routine. Most women say half an hour at most is all they needed each day, and some days it was only 10 minutes!

I am busy and don't have much time. How much time will it take each day?

Frequently Asked Questions


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